January 13, 2016 Carole Levy

Managing the burn of mind-chatter

The trick is to surprise our ego before it gets settled into deeper negative patterns. After feathers and balloons and chewing-gum, here is another way to manage our mind-chatter in 2016!


Comments (4)

  1. Lol. And here I thought it might smell somewhat different and closer to the substance some of these thoughts are made of…

  2. Bill

    What if there is too much to burn? Should I just focus on that smell?

    • Dear Bill, you seem to really get what I’m talking about. It’s reassuring. Yes, sometimes there is a lot to burn. I personally focus on whatever helps me to remove the state of mind-chatter, especially because it is a state that seems fixed-for-ever when I “got” it. Images that remind me of the impermanence nature of life -which includes mind-chatter- are my favorite to focus on! When they leave a good smell, even better…

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