January 4, 2016 Carole Levy

Managing the mastication of mind-chatter


As we saw two weeks ago, the trick is to surprise our ego before it gets settled into deeper negative patterns. After feathers or balloons, here is another way to manage our mind-chatter in 2016! Happy New Year!


Comments (4)

  1. Bill Moon

    Happy New Year Carole! But what about those people who can chew gum for hours on end…is it time to break the pattern?

    • Happy New Year Bill! Getting “too bored” of chewing a pattern can be a good sign that it’s time to break that pattern! (better than having external circumstances crushing us, right?)

  2. Tamara Trussell

    I like that term….mastication of mind chatter….ruminate is similar to what cows do with their food when they “chew their cud” over and over….we do tend to chew on thoughts — I will try your idea of masticating and ruminating until there is no taste — I hope I live long enough for that day. Wonderful word picture, Carole!

    • I like the idea of “boring myself” with the same thoughts over and over… Yes, totally related to the process of rumination, except that rumination maintains the cow’s life and the eco-system. Can we recycle our mind-chatter? I’m sure we can!

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