June 17, 2018 Carole Levy

A life without humor


A good sense of humor and levity can protect us from the tyranny of our own self-importance, as well as the gloominess of the world.

When we find the strength -and sometimes it is really difficult- to take distance from a frustrating situation by having a humorous view of it, our resilience can win over our neurosis.

I’m not giving lessons here. Although I have a good sense of humor, when I’m triggered, caught up in the narrative of my anxious concerns, I take myself too seriously. No muscles are available for a smile.

The world can be amazingly unstable and disconcerting. Between climate change and its toll on people, animals and nature, the rise of populism and protectionism, the increasing gap of inequality – to name only three major concerns – it’s easy for me to feel overwhelmed and defeated. And thereby forget all the good will at play in the world.

Does my earnestness help me to better focus my attention on solutions, feed loving relationships, or be stress-free in the present moment? Of course not.

Between being frivolous about reality and consumed by the heaviness of reality, there is a middle way: being in reality with a compassionate and amused look at the Human Condition.

And that particular balance will be my summer practice. What will be yours?

Keep me posted and have a great summer!


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