When our ego takes over, we tend to fight for our minuscule piece of truth up against the minuscule pieces of other peoples’ truth. Our best intentions for collaboration can become mushy, when we get caught up in wanting to be right, to impress, and to win.
Thus, too often, even when we are on the same team connected to the same purpose, our egos generate fragmentation, undermining the impact we wish to create.
In a complex world, it takes more effort to be a change-maker than a passive follower. It takes more courage to acknowledge bio-diversity collapse, climate change and geo-political devastations, than to overlook it entirely.
The biggest obstacle for people of good will might be internal ego-interferences.
In my opinion, our outer work for social change will be more impactful if we do the necessary self-work, allowing us to be aligned with ourselves as well as with our team members.
Ultimately, the biggest threat for birds* and for other species is without a doubt the destructive human behaviors driven by ignorance, greed, contempt or even unintentional bickering.
*Two recent studies in France show the massive disappearance of birds in French country sides: http://www.lemonde.fr/biodiversite/article/2018/03/20/les-oiseaux-disparaissent-des-campagnes-francaises-a-une-vitesse-vertigineuse_5273420_1652692.html
That is tragic news about the massive decline in bird populations in the French countryside. As usual, Carole, I think your observations about why we can’t get traction to address complex issues are spot on.