August 28, 2017 Carole Levy

Something on your face

When is it appropriate to tell someone the truth? Is any truth good to tell? When I do tell the truth, is it because of my own beliefs, fears and pride? Or is it because of what I think the other person needs? How do I keep my assumptions from clouding my perceptions? How to practice a healthy detachment that is not merely a cynical “I don’t care”?

No wonder we get confused about telling the truth. It’s complicated to have a brain and be human. That’s why, once in a while, we need a vacation from it all to do nothing.

So, that’s what I’m doing: taking a blog-break over the next few weeks!

But I will be offering an interesting change upon my re-entry. Starting in August, my blog will be hosted by The Trust Factory, the company I co-created with my husband, Jean-Pierre Guilhaume. Stay tuned!

I wish all of you a peaceful summer,




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