When Covid-19 started to spread in the US and the stay at home order was issued in California back in…
Blog Pause
Dear Friends, In the last few days, many leaders and organizations have spontaneously elevated their voice against structural and systemic…
Developing Leadership Confidence in Times of Uncertainty
Developing our Leadership Confidence in times of uncertainty doesn’t imply that we have it all together – as in the…
Balancing the Negative Bias
A client shared with me how she had recently experienced two difficult (virtual) conversations about her role in her organization,…
The Importance of Getting to Know our Stories
Last week, as part of the Learning as Leadership (link) staff, I attended the virtual version of Personal Mastery (link) – normally a 9-day…
There are the positive attributes of care and integrity hidden in our righteousness as well as grit in our stubbornness. If we are not afraid…
Humor in the Digital World
For most people, being on a video chat has become more tiring than face-to-face communication. It requires more focus and…
One Under-Utilized Strategy to Lower the Internal Sound Volume of Anxiety
Denise knows how to act in times of crisis. She was quick to decide to close her office, re-think priorities and…
Ten Expert Tips for Resilience + Mine
Like a lot of people in the field of leadership and personal development, Jean-Pierre and I are trying to leverage…
Dancing with a Screen
Two weeks ago, I tried to join an online dancing session at 10am that was organized by the Open Floor (link),…